Author: Maximilian Horn
Gordon Research Conference
Nikolaos and Philipp participated in the Gordon Research Conference Electronic Processes in Organic Materials: From Spin Physics to Bioelectronics and Novel Approaches to Doping in Organic Materials.
SPIE Photonics Europe
Natalie gave an invited talk “Charge generation in bilayer polymer:non-fullerene solar cells” at SPIE Photonics Europe 2018 in Strasbourg.
Excitonic School Les Houches
Martina, Demetra, Philipp and Julien attended the Les Houches School of Physics on Excitonics in Les Houches. In front of the Mont-Blanc massif they presented and discussed their projects.
Visit by Prof. Nguyen
Thuc-Quyen Nguyen from UC Santa Barbara visited us in Bern and gave an excellent talk entitled “Doping of Conjugated Polymers: Fundamental Understanding and Applications”.
DPG Erlangen
Philipp attended the DPG spring session in Erlangen. He presented his work on THz Emission spectroscopy.
New Research published in JPCL
Martina’s work on C60 was published in the Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, read more:
ITN INFORM Winterschool
We participated in the ITN INFORM winterschool and 21st Sede Boqer Symposium on Solar Electricity Production at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev’s in Israel.
COST Meeting
Natalie joined the COST Meeting “Stability of Emerging Photovoltaics: From Fundamentals to Application” in Barcelona celebrating the closure of COST Action “StableNextSol”.
NCCR Must Meeting Grindelwald
Julien, Philipp, Demetra and Natalie joined the 2018 Annual Meeting of NCCR MUST in Grindelwald. Natalie gave a talk about her career at the Women Scientist meeting.