Author: Maximilian Horn

  • New group photo

    New group photo

    Check out our new group photo 2025! We were growing over the past months and in the next weeks, we will present our new group members in detail. Stay tuned!

  • New research published!

    New research published!

    We are happy to announce our new publication by Kaishuai about the differences between copolymerization and physical mixing of glycolated and alkoxylated polymers in their OECT performance. Many thanks to the group of Wouter Maes for the collaboration on this project!

  • Join FemtoMat on Bluesky

    Join FemtoMat on Bluesky

    We are starting with our transition from X to Bluesky, and we would be happy to see you all over there!

  • Goodbye Kaila

    Goodbye Kaila

    End of December, we sadly had to say goodbye to Kaila after a long journey with us as Master student, then PhD student and finally early PostDoc! Thanks for all the warmth and professionalism you spread in our labs for seven years! We wish you all the luck in the…

  • FemtoMat group Fondue

    FemtoMat group Fondue

    For our annual Christmas group event, Natalie invited us for Fondue this time! Thanks for the invitation and the nice evening full of fruitful conversations and lots of cheese! We wish all of our friends and collaborators a happy Christmas time and a wonderful 2025!

  • Maxi at MRS Fall Meeting in Boston

    Maxi at MRS Fall Meeting in Boston

    Maxi traveled to Boston to attend the MRS Fall Meeting 2024 that was taking place last week! There, he presented his work on the charge transport properties of oligoetherized polythiophene!

  • Open position for a PhD project!

    Open position for a PhD project!

    We are happy to announce that we can fill a PhD Position in Solar Cell Photophysics! To get more information about the job offer, you can click on the title. Interested? You can apply directly by contacting Natalie Banerji! With your application, please include a motivation letter and a CV.…

  • New research published!

    New research published!

    We are happy to announce our new publication entitled “Direct visualization of the charge transfer state dynamics in dilute-donor organic photovoltaic blends”, published in Nature Communications. Gareth investigated the interconversion dynamics between charge transfer state charges (CTCs) and separated charges (SCs). Many thanks to the group of Frank Ortmann for…

  • Natalie presents at “Chemie am Samstag”

    Natalie presents at “Chemie am Samstag”

    The lecture series “Chemie am Samstag” at the DCBP is targeted towards school kids and the science-interested public and gives them insight into state-of-the-art research. This is why we are happy to announce that Natalie presented our group’s research there in the beginning of November. We hope to see some…

  • New research published!

    New research published!

    We are pleased to announce a new publication entitled “Sensitive Self-Driven Single-Component Organic Photodetector Based on Vapor-Deposited Small Molecules” where we collaborated with Jakob to investigate a single-component organic photodetector (OPD). Many thanks to Johannes Benduhn and Karl Leo for the collaboration on this project.