Author: Kaila Yallum
New Research Published!
Philipp Krauspe’s work on Effective detection of weak terahertz pulses in electro-optic sampling at kilohertz repetition rates will be available in print in the Journal of the Optical Society of America B in January 2020, and it is available now online! To access the article, click here.
Alexandra completes her Masters Thesis work in the FemtoMat group
Group celebration in Fribourg as Alexandra Burlakova completed her Masters defense! Congratulations Alexandra!
Natalie visits Dresden as a speaker and external examiner for a PhD Defense
Natalie visited Dresden to give a talk at IAPP and examine the PhD defense of Rishi Shivhare. After, they celebrated his success! Congratulations Rishi!
Gonzague wins a presentation award at the First Year Graduate Symposium at UniBe
Gonzague won a presentation award for his work in the first year of his PhD program at Universität Bern.
Nikos gives a talk at the Swiss Chemical Society fall meeting 2019
Nikos at ETH Zürich presenting his work on perovskites.
Natalie visits the IMRC conference in Mexico
Top researchers in the field are enjoying lunch between talks in the D1 symposium on structure function relationships in organics and perovskites at the IMRC 2019 in Mexico.
Natalie and Gareth visit FPI 2019 in Berlin
Gareth presented his work on transient absorption of dilute OPV systems. Natalie and the other professors enjoyed a conference full of engaging talks and posters
Natalie visits the Telluride Science Research Center
Natalie discussed charge generation in Organic Solar Cells at the OSC Assembly at the Telluride Science Research Center